Friday, February 28, 2014

What is personification?

Personification is giving human characteristics to something that is not at all human. In a story or poem, the author might use a phrase like "The trees were whispering in the forest." Trees cannot speak, so they cannot whisper, but we get the idea of what that atmosphere was like.

Dave and Busters

Going to D&B later with a group of friends for a birthday, should be fun.  For those that don't know, Dave and Busters is a bar and grill for adults, that also happens to have tons of arcade games and prizes, Chuck-E-Cheese style.

Medicinal Marijuana

The legalization of marijuana for medicinal use as recommended by a licensed physician

is a highly controversial issue. Under the Compassionate Use Act of 1996, California

became the first state to legalize marijuana for medicinal use. Unfortunately for the

beneficiaries of this act, federal law states that marijuana is a Schedule I drug under the

Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act. Under this act, there are five

such schedules classifying different drugs, both legal and illegal, based on potential

for abuse, accepted medicinal use, accepted safety for use in medical treatment when

supervised by a licensed physician.(AP) To be placed as a Schedule I drug "the drug or

other substance has a high potential for abuse, has no currently accepted medical use

in treatment in the United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or

other substance under medical supervision"(Authority and criteria for classification of


A drug can be moved, added or removed from any schedule in which it is placed if

and when there is scientific evidence showing medicinal usability. Said changes to

the schedules can be initiated by the Attorney General, Administrator of the DEA, the

Secretary of Health and Human Services, or by the petitioning of any interested party,

including pharmaceutical companies and private citizens.

The first step taken by the United States to criminalize marijuana was the Marijuana

Tax Act of 1937. This act did not directly criminalize the drug, but instead, imposed

a one dollar tax on commercially dealt marijuana. The penalty for not paying theses

taxes was up to two thousand dollars in fines and up to five years in prison. This act

made it too risky for anyone to deal this drug. In 1969 the Marijuana Tax Act was found

unconstitutional, on the grounds that anyone seeking a tax stamp would incriminate

themselves, thus violating the fifth amendment. Congresses response to this was the

Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970. This was the first step

of Nixon's modern war on drugs.

In California, the Compassionate Use Act, or Proposition 215, was drafted to "ensure that

seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes

where that medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician

who has determined that the person's health would benefit from the use of marijuana in

the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or

any other illness for which marijuana provides relief"(The Compassionate Use Act of

1996). This law gave California physicians the right to prescribe marijuana to patients

to counteract nausea brought on by medications patients were already on and as a pain

killer. For patients such as Angel Raich, who has an inoperable brain tumor, wasting

syndrome, chronic pain disorders, scoliosis, nausea, and several other documented

medical problems, marijuana was literally a life saver. From 1996 to 1999, Ms. Raich

was confined to a wheelchair. She credits marijuana for allowing her to get out of the

wheelchair and restoring mobility to the right side of her body. Due to her allergies and

chemical sensitivities to almost all conventional pharmaceutical medications, treating

her ailments is almost impossible. Another patient prescribed medical marijuana was

Ms. Diane Monson. Medical marijuana completely eliminates the chronic back spasms

she has had for many years. She has tried many other prescription and non-prescription

medications but they left her feeling nauseous and groggy. Marijuana has neither of these

side effects.

On August 15, 2002, the county sheriffs and agents from the DEA raided Ms. Monson's

house. After thoroughly searching the house, the sheriffs decided that her 6 canibis plants

were completely legal. The DEA thought otherwise, and "after a 3-hour standoff, the

federal agents seized and destroyed" all of her plants(Stevens, 2). When taken to the

Supreme Court, the case no longer was about whether marijuana has medicinal value

and should be made available to those in need, but "whether Congress' power to regulate

interstate markets for medicinal substances encompasses the portions of those markets

that are supplied with drug provided and consumed locally"(Stevens,3). Their final

decision was that patients or caregivers who cultivate marijuana for medicinal use "can

only increase the supply of marijuana in the California market" and "that such production

will promptly terminate when patients recover or will precisely match the patients'

medical need" seems unlikely(Stevens, 10).

Fortunately for people like Ms. Raich and Ms. Monson, not everyone in government

feels this way. Justice O'Connor of the Supreme Court believes that one of the virtues of

federalism is "that it promotes innovation by allowing for the possibility that "a single

courageous state may, if it's citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social

and economic experiments without risks to the rest of the country'"(O'Connor,1). The

Compassionate Use Act is a prime example of the a State serving as a laboratory. States

powers have always included the ability to determine what are criminal acts and protect

the welfare, heath, and safety of their citizens. In using those powers, California and

it's citizens have come to a decision regarding the question of whether marijuana can

effectively be used medically. Fortunately, "the Court's holding neither struck down

Proposition 215 nor demanded that California bring criminal charges against it's citizens

who were using marijuana on the advice of their physicians"(Cohen,1).

Marijuana has been used as a medicine since it was first discovered. In the 17th and

18th centuries, marijuana was prescribed for "a wide variety of conditions, including

depression, cough, jaundice, inflammation, tumors, arthritis, gout, venereal disease,

incontinence, cramps, insomnia, epilepsy, and asthma"(Gahlinger,34). Between 1839

and 1900, over 100 medical studies on marijuana and it's effects or uses were published

and before 1941, canibis and it's extracts were sold as medicines in powder, tablet, and

liquid forms. Only in 1941 was canibis and all of it's extracts removed from the U.S.

Pharmacopoeia and the National Formulary, which contains all the recognized standards

for medications.

One of the factors used in determining drug scheduling by the DEA is the risk to public

health. If a drug has been classified as a Schedule I narcotic, it generally poses a threat

to public safety. However, marijuana has not been found to have "any physical peril

for users of the drug"(Miller, 18). In fact, when you consider it's "'therapeutic ratio',

the difference between the size of the dose needed for the desired effect and the size

that produces poisoning", you will find that it has no known ratio as yet(Miller, 19).

For that matter, a congressionally mandated study done by a conservative commission

appointed by President Nixon recommended that "possession of marihuana for personal

use would no longer be an offense" and even that "casual distribution of small amounts

of marihuana for no remuneration, or insignificant remuneration not involving profit,

would no longer be an offense"(Trebach,105). Even clergy members support the medical

marijuana issue, stating that "'This is about compassion for people" and that they "feel

compelled to support doctors who want to use whatever tools necessary to ease the pain

of the extremely sick"(Huffstutter, 1).

California is not the only state to have medical marijuana laws on the books. In total,

there are 26 states with such laws still in effect dating as far back as 1978. Washington

D.C. even has a medical use law which reschedules marijuana to Schedule V when used

for medicinal purposes. Schedule V contains drugs, such as Robitussin A-C, that have

low potential for abuse and accepted medical use, but may lead to limited dependence.

Almost all of the states laws allow medicinal use for cancer patients and other life

threatening illnesses, but California is the only state that expressly allows cultivation by

the patient or caregivers for medical use. Counties may set the limit of plants and weight

of dried marijuana for medicinal use, but if there is no set limit, they use California

defaults of 6 mature or 12 immature plants and 8 ounces of dried marijuana. Some

counties, such as Del Norte, allow as much as 99 plants and 1 pound of dried cannabis.

Only Humboldt County has no limit on the amount plants one can possess.

Some groups, such as NORML, a non profit members group, support the legalization

of marijuana for recreational as well as medicinal use. They believe that marijuana

could be California's cash crop and they estimate it would raise $1.5-$2.5 billion

dollars in tax revenue while saving approximately $150 million in arrests, trials, and

incarceration costs. In fact, the Los Angels NORML director, Bruce Margolin, ran

for governor in the 2003 recall election. His campaign platform, decreasing our states

debt by taking "California's No.1cash crop off of the black market and tax the sale and

distribution of Marijuana in the state"(Bruce).

While most people may not support the legalization of marijuana for recreational use,

a poll taken in 2003 revealed that 75% of adults in the U.S. are in favor of medical

marijuana. However, even though most of the public supports medicinal use, most

government officials and some researchers do not believe that marijuana is a viable

medicine. In fact, Special Assistant David Murray thinks medicinal marijuana "is a patent

medicine of the 19th century hawked by carnival barkers" and "Not only is smoked

marijuana not an effective medicine, but it is addictive, carcinogenic, damages the body's

respiratory, immune and reproductive systems, affects short-term memory and ability to

learn and is a 'gateway' to harder narcotics use"(Marshall).

However, according to Dr. Leo Hollister, the evidence of damage to the immune and

reproductive systems are contradictory in nature and that the studies that were closest to

actual clinical conditions created less compelling evidence. The immune suppression idea

was first brought up by the notorious Dr. Gabriel Nahas, but researchers in the Regan

administration failed to find conclusive evidence of this theory. Government experts

also agree that marijuana causes no permanent damage to either the male or female

reproductive systems.

As for it being a gateway drug, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.

Many cultures throughout Asia and Africa have been using marijuana religiously,

medically, and recreationally and they "show no propensity for other drugs"(California

NORML). This theory took hold in the sixties, when marijuana became the recreational

drug of choice, but was refuted in the eighties when cocaine took old of America

and marijuana use declined. However, there is evidence that shows in the absence of

marijuana a user is more likely to turn to a harder substance or alcohol to get high.

Further more, marijuana does not cause a physical dependence and there is still some

debate as to whether or not it causes psychological dependence.

As far a marijuana not being an effective medicine, if this is the case, why do so many

researchers, doctors, and cancer specialists believe it does? Marijuana is not prescribed as

an antibiotic or anything like that. It is prescribed to patients who are in to much pain or

to nauseous to eat or even function in day to day situations. Chemotherapy tends to leave

patients with both a throbbing pain and nausea.(CC) This will prevent them from eating

which causes their immune system to weaken even more. Marijuana allows patients to

feel hungry and eat without forcing themselves too. It eases some pain with out the side

effects or chemical dependency of most modern pharmaceutical pain killers. In fact,

some medicinal users claim that cannabis is a safe, cheap, and effective alternative to the

usually nauseating medications prescribed for their particular ailments.

The Food and Drug Administration has approved clinical trials of a drug called Sativex,

which s a liquid that combines two of the most therapeutic compounds in marijuana.

Sativex is the second marijuana derived pharmaceutical drug created and tested by the

FDA. These drugs are to be used the same way medical marijuana is, however, they

supposedly limit the dangerous effects of canibis, those of getting high and smoking.

However, some are not convinced "that the therapeutic benefits of cannabis can always

be separated from its psychoactive effects"(Grinspoon). Many patients speak of feeling

better after they get high. If marijuana contributes to this mood elevation, should that

be taken away from a patient that is probably in need of it? For those who are worried

about the toxins that come with smoking, they can use a vaporizer, which frees the

cannabinoids from the plant without burning it or producing smoke.(AC)

Some feel that one day, cannabis will be seen as a wonder drug, just as penicillin was in

the 1940's. Just like penicillin, marijuana is nontoxic, has a wide range of uses, and would

be remarkably inexpensive if legalized. Even good quality, although illegal, marijuana

is cheaper than the synthetic versions the FDA is trying to pass. The only bonus to drugs

like Sativex over marijuana is that Sativex is completely legal.

The claim that Sativex doesn't cause intoxication, a main goal of the FDA, hinges on the

idea that patients will stick with the recommended dosage. The down side of this is that,

while marijuana takes effect almost immediately, Sativex does not, though it is much

more efficient than it's counter part, Marinol. In effect, Sativex could get a patient high if

they took more than the recommended dosage, just as cough syrup can get one drunk, if

more than the recommended dosage is ingested.

What all this seems to boil down to is an issue of when. Most of the adults in the U.S.

seem to agree with the legalization of marijuana, if not entirely, at least for medicinal

purposes. Most agree that it has therapeutic qualities and can be a life saver in the case of

AIDS and cancer patients, as well as treat a multitude of other symptoms. The only real

opposition seems to come from government officials. If medical marijuana were made

legal, it could increase tax revenues and the quality of life of many infirmed patients.(SB)

It made completely legal, and properly regulated, it could be a tremendous cash crop

for California, if not the whole U.S. and generate billions of dollars in revenue, which

would remove a lot of the debt that looms over this country like a storm cloud. Most of

the reasons for it being illegal are unfounded and even government appointed research

has recommended that possession not be a criminal offense. Many countries around the

world have loose if any marijuana laws and crime is no more rampant, psychosis no more

prevalent, than here. If it works for countries less powerful or developed than the U.S.

why can it not work here? Is America so much better than these countries that we must

force our infirmed to suffer unnecessarily? Why must we deny a cheap and effective

source of relief to those so desperately in need of a quality of life change? Our strict laws

turn dying, pain riddled patients into criminals or force them to a life of side effects, if

they can even take the prescribed medications.(VP) There is something seriously wrong

with a country that would deny relief to those in pain, an appetite to those to nauseas to


Video Game Dunkey

This channel is primarily known for its League of Legends videos, but it has lots of great stuff.  If you don't like people acting really over the top, and being loud, stupid, and odd, then you may not enjoy this content so much.  However, I personally love it! (most of it anyways).  Check out this channel, and if you're feeling really generous, you can even subscribe (no it isn't my channel, but I wish it was).

If you DO want to see my channel, it has mostly Magic: the Gathering videos on it... then check it out here!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Bit of Fry and Laurie

A Bit of Fry and Laurie, great first episode from a later season!  With Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry.  If you like Stephen Fry from QI or Hugh Laurie from House, this is a great sketch comedy to watch.

Conan O'Brien

Very funny and entertaining late night talk show host, watch some of his videos on youtube!

Here's a good one!

Conan Christopher O'Brien ( born April 18, 1963 ) Preservation of American television, comedian , writer, producer and musician and voice actress . He is known for a series of debates in the nights , and, more recently , Canon, the first cable television station TBS show in 2010. O'Brien was born in Brookline, Massachusetts and raised in an Irish Catholic family . His magic as president of Harvard University while attending Harvard University , served, and a writer for the comedy is not necessarily news.

After writing for several comedy shows in Los Angeles on Saturday night and joined the line of writing. O'Brien , writer and producer of The Simpsons for two periods until they were put on the BBC, to take on David Letterman as the set evening in 1993. And virtually unknown to the general public , and the time occupied by the negative reviews of the premiere O'Brien and the number of feedback loops during their first few weeks received . Overall improvement over time and is very much appreciated at the time of his departure in 2009. Later, O'Brien moved from New York to Los Angeles to celebrate the incarnation of his vision of The Tonight Show for seven months until the network request does not want to participate in the policy change in 2010.

Good style of his own, known as "the goofy humor , self - protester " was described " vulgar and stupid stories , short films, a good drive ( with remote control) , " O'Brien. Late Night with Conan game since 2010 and organized events such as the Emmy Awards and Christmas party held in Washington . The theme of O'Brien documentary Conan O'Brien Can not Stop (2011) and has toured 32 cities to live comedy .

O'Brien in Brooklyn, Michigan , was born. His father, Thomas Francis O'Brien, MD, Professor of Medicine and professor of epidemiology at Harvard University. And his mother , Ruth O'Brien (née Reardon ) , an attorney and partner in the firm of Ropes and Gray in Boston . It is the third of six children. O'Brien's family is Irish Catholic and some Irish ancestors emigrated to America before the Civil War . Night episode , O'Brien paid a visit to Kerry , Ireland, where his ancestors originated .

O'Brien High School in Brooklyn , where he served as director of the school newspaper , and SAGAMORE involved. In his senior year , O'Brien National Council of Teachers of English writing contest with his short story has got the " buried life ." After graduating as valedictorian in 1981 he went to Harvard. Class - Harvard University, and O'Brien Hall Holworthy first year and Mather House during the three years they lived above . He said he will focus on the history and literature , graduating with honors in 1985. Its main thesis is that the use of children as symbols in the works of William Faulkner and Flannery O'Connor . And in college, O'Brien, a writer for the satirical magazine , Harvard has been written. E ' was also briefly a drummer in a band called "bad oyster ." Served during the second year of his younger years , he was president and spelling. At present , the future coach O'Brien at NBC , Jeff Love, Harvard Crimson served as president of the school newspaper .


Night Online (1987-1991)

O'Brien , The Simpsons books Offices 0.1992

O'Brien after graduation to participate in the HBO necessarily news newspaper moved to Los Angeles. [19] He is also a writer in Wilton North Report of short - lived . [19] He spent two years with the show regularly with improvisational groups , including The Groundlings happen. In January 1988 , the executive producer of Saturday Night Live , Lorne Michaels, hired O'Brien as a writer. For three years on Saturday Night Live (SNL) , he repeatedly referred to as "Mr. Short Term Memory " and " girl watches " video , the latter for the first time Tom Hanks and John Fitz [20] In case of using is , "he wrote. Brin also writing and painting , " Nude Beach " , with Robert Smigel , who said the word" penis "at least 42 times or sing. while the writers strike, " SNL after ' year 1987-1988 O'Brien, SNL writers Bob Odenkirk and Robert Chicago Magazine improvement Comedy Smigiel called happy pretty sight. [21 ] [22] While living in Chicago, O'Brien briefly bedroom with Jeff Guerlain [23] In 1989 , O'Brien and his company - writers SNL Emmy compiling a list or range Comedy Series received .

O'Brien , like many SNL writers , occasionally as an extra in the video to appear, and the more visible as a doorman in a sketch in which Tom Hanks SNL "Five Club - hold beginners ' its fifth season . O'Brien returned to host the show in 2001 during the period of 26 . O'Brien and Robert Smigiel game plan written Tlvyzyvnyba Lookwell Adam West , which aired on NBC in 1991. pilot never went to series, but it was a huge cult following. and then in another network television pilots produced by Unaired supervised Cabaret Festival, but gave a long interview with O'Brien and was ready in 2002.

Everything is changed to O'Brien in 1991 , even if the sequence is not fast , the participants appear , and until they are collected and burned Lookwell resigned Saturday Night Live . " He said Lorne Michaels , I can not , " said O'Brien back to work and just have to do something else. "I have no intention at all Estes literally going on in my life in general , I decided that I was just walking the city of New York, and ' idea came to me . " Mike Reiss and Al Jean , and two - showrunner of The Simpsons , OH " Brian called and offered him a job . Setting at time of writing known throughout the community . " Everyone wants to be on the show, but never to take , "says O'Brien and O'Brien , one of the first crews to meet the original design. With the help of an old friend Lisa Kudrow Groundlings , O'Brien bought an apartment in Beverly Hills. Kudrow and that company, and it is believed Kudrow start writing space . O'Brien disagrees , believing that beautiful Kudrow also said that he was happy as a writer. in his speech to the class day at Harvard in 2000, O'Brien credited the Simpsons to save him, pointing to a decrease in the profession before employment to show risk.

The Simpsons (1991-1993)

"I was very nervous when I start my pen in the office and told me to start writing some ideas. , And I 'm alone in this situation. Tardi five minutes to get a cup of coffee after a shock to hear . A way to return in the office , and a hole in the window and dead birds on the ground. literally the first ten minutes of The Simpsons , and the bird flew into my window and hit . fence, break their necks , and George Meyer fell to the ground dead, and looked and said , "Man , it's amazing surprise. "

- O'Brien in the first moments of its existence , The Simpsons

In 1991-1993 , O'Brien was a writer and producer of The Simpsons. When O'Brien in a lot of profit before Fox gave him a temporary office writer Jeff Martin . Be aware of , and it seemed that he was going against his shame for what he considered a threat to the group of writers - O'Brien was nervous , and themselves. That's right , O'Brien in his voice when he says that al - Qaeda in Reese. I told him that there is no law , so quickly , most of the officers and the control room. " Canon is 10:00 non-stop" and called him Josh Weinstein said John Ortved , one of the company - writers investment if the price does not need to do that night, and said it should show as executive producer of The Simpsons .

If you have other scripts, O'Brien is one of the most memorable and amazing part of the series " Death on the Monorail " and " Homer goes to college margin vs. the Monorail " In general , critics shanuvalnykydo surreal at times. In addition, loans only letters to the "new kid on the block " and " Tracy Horror IV ," he Qsmtnvshth rulon.kazhut introduced into the body with diet coke , and it was always a source of entertainment in our midst "Sometimes , the company - writers show O ' Brian Beverly Hills apartment .

However, the late-night host David Letterman was shifting , causing executive producer Lorne Michaels to find a new host. Michaels calls generate O'Brien, Gavin Polone O'Brien minister wants to do, instead of the product [ 32] and beta testing with Michael O'Brien on The Tonight Show. Hearing Jason Alexander and Mimi Rogers guests, and were noted writers Simpson [33] Wolodarksky experience : " Seeing his friend who worked with the man to go behind the scenes and throw it as monolohO'Brayen as the new host of the night 26 April was chosen in 1993 year. books and writing " Homer goes to college, " O'Brien Polone received a call to inform decisions . " was sent shag carpet was horrible. Quiet and I just zombies out there on the carpet , "said Michael Mandel post - production . " Remember looking at him and said, " Wow . Could change your life , so it's very exciting."

Fox, however, did not allow the contract to O'Brien. After all , NBC and O'Brien will spread the costs of obtaining the contract . After leaving O'Brien and book chapters Simpsons hours of video recorded at lunch the day after the broadcast at midnight and analysis . During his time at The Simpsons, O'Brien also had a project to work with Smigel on the script for the musical section of the drawing " Hans and Franz" from Saturday Night Live , but the film was produced .

Working at night (1993-2009)

Main article: Late Night with Conan O `

Late Night with Conan O ' from Studio 6A at 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York for the first time September 13, 1993 by the negative reviews from critics contemporary . Leading restore the previous identity , Conan ' : acceptance was very surprised O'Brien New York Times article criticizing his name written on the day of release provides a critical attack failure O'Brien " O'Brien. " O'Blivion " Tom suggested clays the Washington Post, one after the other , the court O'Brien as nervous and anxious in front of the camera , and is" very intelligent, and on the east coast and is very complex , and very small or even too high success. " constantly shows in danger of cancellation , the lowest point in 1994 , the BBC has threatened to postpone or weeks. When asked managers to replace Greg Kinnear, who followed O'Brien at 13:30 . students to fill empty seats among the public when it began its subsidiaries, in search of a new home. the party pal Andy Richter back after a short vacation activities are described as follows . " I sit back and remember what it means to be a joke employment contracts were " rumors are circling that NBC was transferred to uninstall the program .

Things are gradually improving. Seriously between O'Brien and Richter are improving, and the popularity charts ( " If you're married ," " campaign office " , "2000" ) was increased. A reliable staple of the TV screen , broken back , the office of O'Brien, and the image is still in the news. Lips and voice characters - by Robert Smigel and his co -author David Ltrmn milestone appearance was in February 1994 - Crazy Redneck Bill Clinton often interpreted simultaneously. "It 's been a moral recovery ," said O'Brien. "I think if someone comes in and says it creates . 00:30 intelligent and interesting, let's go" due to temporary swing in January 1995 , when Robert Smigiel , burning sensation , has resigned from his post , showing examples of slow improvement than time and conduct a quick loan for a year 's comedy O'Brien, comedy formula appeared. Exposure to obscene and stupid with great delicacy , the story is driven by remote control. Among the customers tend to " But Bear" and the famous baseball championship canonical views during the civil war . [ This piece was a favorite Breen said later : " When I leave this earth, at the funeral , just to prove , because it says a lot , I have everything. "

In the early days of the Internet, and fans. Websites begin informally constituted summary records of each chapter , and even Tom Shales , which became the 1996 " One of the remarkable events in the history of television," the program name , O ' Brien and annual awards for best writing at night writing team or types of comedy series Emma won first prize and was nominated in 2007. 1997 , 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, and he and writing Night Writers Guild Best Screenplay in a Comedy Series / Misc assigned . In 2001 he formed his own television production company Conaco , which includes the production credits for the night.

Since October 2005, it was last night with Conan O ` ten o'clock - years always attracted an audience averaging about 2.5 million viewers. Remote nocturnal adoration implementation in 2006, O'Brien has a striking resemblance to plant a female president of Finland concentrates. " We show in Helsinki for five days ," said O'Brien, " which we accept as a national treasure ."

February 20, 2009 , the episode will be aired on NBC last night with Conan O ' . This exhibition is a collection of pictures from last night , and included the sudden appearance of a former team-mate Andy Richter . Will Ferrell, John Mayer , striped white and looks. Among those thanked were Lorne Michaels , David Ltrmn , Jay Leno , and O'Brien's wife and children were .

Started wrong Colbert / O'Brien / Stewart

Main article: Who Made Huckabee ?

While the writers strike in 2008, O'Brien mock feud with Comedy Central's Jon Stewart ( daily ) and Stephen Colbert ( Colbert Report ) due to a dispute over any of the three for " coup " to fight Mike Huckabee was a Republican Presidential candidate . During the 2007-08 Writers Guild of America strike three enemy crossed.

And The Tonight Show (2009-2010)

Main article: The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien

In 2004 , O'Brien discuss a new contract with NBC . As part of the deal, O'Brien to take over the Tonight Show with Jay Leno in 2009. O'Brien as a guest in an episode of Jay Leno's Tonight Show was final . On June 1, 2009 Will Ferrell in the first Tonight Show host Conan on the couch and Pearl Jam as a guest artist for the first time.

During the recording of Friday, September 25, 2009 , episode of The Tonight Show , O'Brien suffered from mild concussion after he slipped and hit his head while running a race as part of a comedy sketch with guest Teri Hatcher . It ' was examined at a hospital and released the same day . Secondly - play that night, but O'Brien returned to work the following Monday and made ​​derided .

Leaving Tonight Show

Main article : 2010 Tonight Show conflict

O'Brien , Atlanta, GA , June 2010

Thursday ' , 2010 January 7 NBC executive Jeff love with Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien , met to discuss how to get Leno out of prime - time , where his popularity has slipped , and again at the end of the night, was estimated O ' Brien Leno prime time show has fallen. O'Brien's bid to host The Tonight Show , which will show Transport Leno at 00:05 with a 30 - minute exposure at 11:35 [53] January 10 , NBC Universal Television Entertainment , Jeff Gaspin Premier Jay Leno Show ends , and can be the beginning of the Winter Olympics February 12, 2010 , and moved to 23:35 after covering the Olympics. Sources close to the situation told the New York Post that O'Brien was unhappy with the plane ABC .

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Might be changing the title of the blog.

It's occurred to me in the past that, "Meh" isn't the most exciting name for a blog, so I think I may be changing it soon. Perhaps to asdf, a;a;a;a;, jkjkjkjkjk, bleh, bored, or any other of many search terms one might idly type into google when they have nothing better to do. For the time being though, Meh will have to do, although I am open to suggestions!

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Been neglecting this blog for quite sometime.  I Heart Buffalo will be down for a while, but I'm going to start making more magic videos soon regardless.  Hope to have some out soon!